This is us -
This is Dawn im Eden!

We want to take you with us, on our new, but hopefully lasting musical journey.

…welcome, to this abattoir of truth



Abattoir of Truth

Whatever comes to life
Has to end
Everything that grows
Must descent
There's a piece of hope
Which you can't loose
To this abattoir of truth

Nails on a Chalkboard

I'd be better off with not being around
Lying flat on the ground
Not to be found

Hold my breath until my lungs start to burn
The tides never turn
Light won't return to me

I can hear my is ripping my chest
The sough in my head is driving me mad
This vastness is running out of space
No walls in this maze
But hence no escape

Advices stuck like nails in my brain
Prolonging pain, drove me insane
I am almost too tired to sleep
Too sad to weep
Trying to sweep it away

I can hear my is ripping my chest
The sough in my head is driving me mad
This vastness is running out of space
No walls in this maze
But hence no escape

It feels like being buried alive
Like being cut from the hive
As if you couldn't recognize
Yourself anymore

I can hear my is ripping my chest
The sough in my head is driving me mad
This vastness is running out of space
No walls in this maze
But hence no escape

It feels like being buried alive
Like being cut from the hive
As if you couldn't recognize
Yourself anymore

Look at me
Tell me that you can still see me


I try to open my eyes
But darkness is all I can see
Mouthless screams reverberate
Inside me as I come into being


Never to take a breath
Never to make a step

You cannot see
You cannot hear me
Screaming inside


Never conceived
Never born
Deus ex machina


I am, but am I really more
Than a vision of myself
I just wish I could escape
From this nothingness

Am I alone in this void
At the edge of creation itself
Has there been evermore
Or is this where all this begins?


Never to take a breath
Never to make a step


You cannot see
You cannot hear me
Screaming inside


Never conceived
Never born
Deus ex machina


On certain days, you feel so lost
It seems as if all odds
Were stacked against you
And you're threatened to break apart

You try to keep a smiling face
But deep under your skin
You have that emptyness
And despair eats you up from within

You're not alone in your agony
You feel so bare and wounded
Ashamed and hopelessly
If you could keep your head up
Then you would see
That you never have been so close to me

No matter how much you try
No matter, all bridges leading to nowhere
Life has got you in the end

Your light seems fading with each blow
But you're still too afraid to go
So grasp any hope
There are maybe chances you don't know

You're not alone in your agony
You feel so bare and wounded
Ashamed and hopelessly
If you could keep your head up
Then you would see
That you never have been so close to me

No matter how much you try
No matter, all bridges leading to nowhere
Life has got you in the end

You're not alone in your agony
You feel so bare and wounded
Ashamed and hopelessly
If you could keep your head up
Then you would see
That you never have been so close to me

Under Water

Did you ever feel
That your heart turned into steel
And our love has drowned into the sea


You tried to hide
How much these letdowns made subside
Your lust for life
And something died inside your soul


Besides these memories
These scents you lost in a storm
You fell and cannot fall for someone else

There's not bitterness
Just this hollow solitude
You lost much more, than anyone could take away


Did you ask yourself
Did you try to calculate
If the price you paid, was maybe disproportionate

Besides these memories
These scents you lost in a storm
You fell and cannot fall for someone else


Back in your olden days
You were suffosed by ardour
You burned, but in the end you scorched yourself

Besides these memories
These scents you lost in a storm
You fell and cannot fall for someone else


Back in your olden days
You were suffosed by ardour
You burned, but in the end you scorched yourself


Reality has changed
Way beyond anticipation
You feel the world got smaller
And you're pushed back to the edge


The morals you've been taught
Clear without misunderstanding
Your compass lost its heading
And your passage lost its course

Seeding storm and raining ash
Heir to Cain, but even stronger
He walks around in many faces
He's hate and rage - the fearmonger


Spreading lies and disbelief
Infiltrating minds to conquer
The gullible who feed and grow
That parasite - the fearmonger


Dragged into vanity
You feel unheard and disrespected
Blind to self-reflection
You need somebody to blame


Seductive whispering
Some creeping contamination
And you never recognized
That you paid too much in vain.

Seeding storm and raining ash
Heir to Cain, but even stronger
He walks around in many faces
He's hate and rage - the fearmonger


Spreading lies and disbeliefs
Infiltrating minds to conquer
The gullible who feed and grow
That parasite - the fearmonger

Do you really think, do you think he cares?
Have you ever seen him doing what he said?
Anything and everything is just about himself.
And maybe at some point you'll be the sacrifice

Seeding storm and raining ash
Heir to Cain, but even stronger
He walks around in many faces
He's hate and rage - the fearmonger


Spreading lies and disbeliefs
Infiltrating minds to conquer
The gullible who feed and grow
That parasite - the fearmonger


Intro speech


You can't escape a living hell
If hell resides inside yourself
No matter what you try
It'll always end in pain and lies


The more you try to find a relief
You try to make yourself believe
That the voice inside your head
Discharges you from all sins


But then you see that face again
You laid her down
Like a broken china doll


Your life swings between hunt and prey
Beast in the night, haunted by day
You know you lost all empathy
The day you set that demon free


And when self pity makes you cry
Wish to be found and wish to die
You realise what you've become
That your humanity is gone


But then you see that face again
You laid her down
Like a broken china doll


These eyes
Aghast and stunned and asking why
These lifes
Ripped in a wip and stifled cries


Feeling all alone in these crowds
A million voices cover the silence inside
As dew drops always dry
The shadows ate the light
The night in which you died

Being left alone with these doubts
Solace seems devoured by memories
As hope is in the clouds
Tomorrow is a fraud
I despair in holding on

Death came like a thief and took you away from me

You took everything with you
Hope and goodwill
And yet I have still to stay

Is there something worth waiting for?
Pictures of you fading away linger on
Going on with empty eyes
Telling yourself these lies
That time will heal it all

I can feel you still everywhere
Everything I touch feels as if you were there
You're still in every eye
Each corner in the sky
Maybe until I die

Death came like a thief and took you away from me

You took everything with you
Hope and goodwill
And yet I have still to stay

You took everything with you
Hope and goodwill
And yet I have still to stay


Some mistakes he made
Could never be undone
He can‘t escape his past
No matter how fast he runs


It‘s maybe hard to get
Aware of what he‘s done
Even if the consequences
This guilt, he cannot shun


Samuel – I know you are not sinister
Samuel – But after all that‘s no excuse
Samuel – There are thing you can‘t repay
Samuel – This burdon is upon you
until your end of days


When he awakes at night
Trembling with cold sweat
These dreams won‘t disappear
He pants aloud in dread

One bloody stupid night
Some drinks and foolishness
Under the clinic lights
He smelled the taste of death



Brooks Was Here

There is no bravery in living,
Neither cowardliness in death
It's hard to comprehend the torment one survives before they're giving in and finally decide

There's so much hubris and self-righteousness,
Where empathy could've helped
A lack of sentiment to lend a hand, a reluctance to understand the misery of a splintery inside

Like a writing on the wall
A note in a fireplace
Like a scream in the desert
Or somewhere out in space

Like rain above the ocean
Or a breeze in a storm
Like the unwritten book
Brooks was here before

Some paths could have been avoided
And others have chosen you
Being in that circumstance and hence you‘re hurt, without a key to detoxify, what‘s poisining your mind

Fearing yourself and to be stigmatized
As being seen fragile or insane
A lack of sentiment to lend a hand, a reluctance to understand the misery of a splintery inside

Like a writing on the wall
A note in a fireplace
Like a scream in the desert
Or somewhere out in space

Like rain above the ocean
Or a breeze in a storm
Like the unwritten book
Brooks was here before


Despite your selfishness
There are no walls or fences, dams or dykes
Which may protect us
And your sacred golden halls


From desperation
Our seed will be hostility
Our harvest penury
Life will find a way and so will they


Despite your denial
The storms will tear apart
The thorns of vanity


And the stains of our remains
Will be washed away
By pouring rain


Void and sand will cover the burning land
There's no grain left in the hourglass


Despite your beliefs
There will be a reckoning for everything
And each and everyone no matter what they've done
Will pay the price


What began as paradise
Finds its demise
By means of greed and ignorance


Despite your lust
Despite your ruthlessness
You can't amass the treasures


You've been yearning for
You've gotta let go
You've gotta let go
Turn around the hourglass
This is maybe our final chance
This is maybe our final chance

Sheep on a String

For those who dared
To question beliefs
There was a blindfold
Ought to make them see
In tides of time
Verities vibrate
Almost as if
They lived god’s vagaries


The saints are crying
The angels weep
The pharisee’s laughing
About the sheep


For those who died in hope
Yet vain
No tears were shed
By these profiteers


The saints are crying
The angels weep
The pharisee’s laughing
About the sheep


The sheep went marching
The skies turned red
The preachers were risen
And all sheep dead


The air is searing
Beneath an orange sky
Vacant eyes in parchment faces,
With no tears left to cry


There's a clapper of hoofs in the distance
- Always far in the distance
Never comes closer,
Never rides off


Ring around the rosie
A pocketful of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down.


What will remain?
Is this our legacy?
Did we just wait?
‚Til the pale parade?
A final play,
And last hurrah
When redemption is
A virtue of yesterday


White fishes drifting
On a black mirrored lake
Rotten sweetness repleted air,
The morning dew of death


Corpses growing like weed on the acres
- There‘s no green on the acres
Dust breeds dust
And nothing else


Ring around the rosie
A pocketful of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down.


What will remain?
Is this our legacy?
Did we just wait?
‚Til the pale parade?
A final play,
And last hurray
When redemption is a virtue of the yesterday

New Age of Heresy

Did this all start with a lie?
Or is this just who we are
Always tempted to conceive
Comforting beliefs


Am I deceived by my
Memories or just blind
All this hate and denial
Tears all of us apart


Although it hurts and leaves us confused
Although it seems to overcome truth
We got to keep on trying
Despite how devastated we feel.


You maybe think it's not your distress
You're too afraid to fight this mess.
We got to keep resisting
Until we're going down in flames


Rumours don't need any proof
Just claims and a whipping boy
Many willingly accept the prey
they were fed.


Science replaced by fear
Menacing who seems weak
While we're staying rigidly
Until it's too late

Although it hurts and leaves us confused
Although it seems to overcome truth
We got to keep on trying
Despite how devastated we feel.


You maybe think it's not your distress
You're too afraid to fight this mess.
We got to keep resisting
Until we're going down in flames


You are so full of disillusion
Feeling always left behind
You need someone to blame
Just to be sure that you are right

This isn't a solution
Cos you don't wanna anticipate
That things are not that easy
And not everything is black and white

The world is far more complicated
More diverse
More complex
Not about what you deserve

There is no benefit in hatred
No relief in cruelty
You have to get
Have to see
It's about
You and me

I'm so sick of it all
So sick of it all

There is no way of absolution
For any kind of genocide
Don't even try to argue
That these were victims of a fight

You deserve no retribution
Cos you are priviledged anyway
Who told you life was easy?
Or you're superior anyhow?

The world is far more complicated
More diverse
More complex
Not about what you deserve

There is no benefit in hatred
No relief in cruelty
You have to get
Have to see
It's about
Who are we?

I'm so sick of it all
So sick of it all

Blind Fish Don't Fear the Dark

First we are all
Curious and inncocent
Breaking all the rules, we're taught
As we grow up
Life feels so more brittle (and)
And each day 
the walls keep closing in
Don't fear the dark
So we're told
It takes time - to realize - it's a lie
As soon as someone dies
You comprehend
That sometimes
Blackness lays - deep within - your mind
As if your heart went blind
You count the days to come
And wishes melt like candlesticks
Waiting afraid to fade away
As you close your eyes
Your heartbeat roars inside your head
And your breath
sings whispers of your death
Don't fear the dark
So we're told
It takes time - to realize - it's a lie
As soon as someone dies
You comprehend
That sometimes
Blackness lays - deep within - your mind
As if your heart went blind
No fear of dark
So you hope
What was once self confidence, now it' gone
No matter how hard you try
You understood
That one time
Everything - you once were - will have died
Blind fish don't fear the light

End of Innocence

We are the red weed
We are extinction and greed
The monarchs of destruction
The final chapter, the last of our breed

Don’t lie to yourself – Don’t be fooled by charlatans
The fatcs are straight – Cassandra has shown all our ways

This is the end, this is the end of abscondence
You can’t escape, can’t run away in abhorrence
We’ve maybe didn’t know the atrocities we’ve commenced
But now we stare in that abyss, we’re at the end of innocence

The crown of creation.
T’is how we think of ourselves.
The reins drag across the floor.
Not much time to pick them up anymore

Don’t lie to yourself – Don’t be fooled by charlatans
The fatcs are straight – Cassandra has shown all our ways

This is the end, this is the end of abscondence
You can’t escape, can’t run away in abhorrence
We’ve maybe didn’t know the atrocities we’ve commenced
But now we stare in that abyss, we’re at the end of innocence

An Abattoir of Truth
Recording and mixing
Album and more
First songs
Just demos
Of Dawn in Eden


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Get Ready!

"The Fearmonger EP" is coming to your streaming serrvice and your download store on February 26, 2024. Check it out on Bandcamp, soon

Customer reviews

Rosy Stone

Big fan. Dislocated gave me an existential crisis, worth it.



Nails on a Chalkboard is so relateable.



Dislocated is fucking awesome.I’m out of my league.



The vocals on Abattoir of truth is fucking amazing.


Thank you

For his amazing artwork, additional vocals and support throughout the entire production.

For her intro vocals and a golden vibrato.

For their help setting up the merch store.

For his incredible mastering skills and them being such good friends.

For their patience, criticism, where criticisms where due and to all of them for believing what we are doing.

For the breathtaking vocals on Hourglass. This song woudn’t have been possible without you!

Thanks to Studiorat on Freesound for this fine and inspiring sample, we’ve used on Dystopian.